Lapis lazuli - azurite - blue stone

Paulina | Rockstar
Lapis lazuli - azurite - blue stone
Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a variety of azurite. It is one of the most beautiful opaque gemstones. In ancient times it was known as sapphire, occurring in only a few major deposits around the world. What is worth knowing about the history of this precious stone?

Lapis lazuli in antiquity

Lapis lazuli was a stone that was used as far back as antiquity. Thus, the ancient Sumerian royal tombs of Ur, located near the Euphrates River (lower Iraq), were characterized by lapis lazuli carvings, among other things. The lazuli stones on Sumerian tombs were arranged in birds, deer and rodents. This precious stone also adorned vessels, oriental beads and cylinder seals. The carved artifacts came from material that was mined in northern Afghanistan.

The precious stone also appeared in Egypt. Ancient burial sites in Egypt (pre-3000 BC), for example, hide thousands of jewelry pieces, including lapis precisely. Powdered lapis was also favored by Egyptian women as... cosmetic eye shadow. In later years, lapis lazuli was used as a pigment for ultramarine paints.

Which lapis lazuli is the most valuable gemstone?

The most prized lapis is a dark, almost blackish-blue. It is starting deeper than turquoise and more intense than sodalite or azurite. This azurite also comes in lighter shades, usually mixed with streaks of calcite. Although a very attractive stone, the material is less popular - with a consequent lower price tag.

Interestingly, pyrite, perhaps the commonly associated mineral, is often liberally sprinkled with lapis lazuli to jointly create a color combination on ethnic jewelry - rich blue and brassy gold.

Where is the best lapis lazuli mined?

The most popular and valued mineral in the world is lapis lazuli, which comes from a mine in the Kokcha River Valley. A long, winding and very dangerous road leads to the mine, which is located in the extreme northeastern part of Afghanistan (Badakhshan). Marco Polo wrote about the place as follows: "It is in this region that there is a mountain where the best lapis lazuli in the world is found."

Lapis is mined along the steep sides of long and narrow rocks, which are often about 200 meters wide. They are laced with peaks, rising as high as 6,000 meters. The area for mining lapis lazuli, which later adorns oriental earrings or rings, is sparsely populated and covered with snow for most of the year. A British Army lieutenant, John Wood, arrived at this mine in 1837. What did he say about the place? Very eloquent, memorable words: "If you don't want to die, avoid the Cock Valley." Certainly, then, this is not the best direction to travel.

Sar-e-Sang, or lapis lazuli mine in Afghanistan

There used to be a mine in Badakhshan province called Darreh-Zu, which is now closed - probably due to depletion of the deposits. However, a nearby and relatively new mine, Sar-e-Sang, supplies sufficient quantities of lapis lazuli stone. The lapis lazurite deposits here are found in white and black marbles, hundreds of meters thick. Gem veins, rarely exceeding 10 meters in length, meanwhile, lie in snow-white calcite. Gem azurite is found in the Afghan mine in three color classifications:

  • nili (dark blue)
  • assemani (light blue)
  • sabz (green)

The Sar-e-Sang mine is rich in high-quality lapis lazuli gemstone. It probably also contains many more rare lapis crystals. Unfortunately, political instability in Afghanistan is clouding the future of both mining and distribution of the precious blue gem. Fortunately, sources still exist to access oriental lapis lazuli jewelry.

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