Tatar wedding - rituals and customs

Stanisław Kozłowski | Customs
Tatar wedding - rituals and customs

The Tatars, scattered from Siberia to Crimea, can fully consider themselves one nation despite some linguistic differences. They have a rich literary language, a very old culture and a strong sense of national identity. They have also preserved their traditions and unique rituals.

This historical memory of the nation can be seen most clearly in the wedding traditions that are still cultivated. The Tatar wedding - the most important event in the life of the future family. The rich folk customs of the old Tatar nation make this celebration extremely beautiful and original.

Preparations for the celebration

Preparations for the Tatar wedding celebration begin long before the official wedding date. Before the mullah blesses and announces the marriage, matchmaking and colluding between the parents of the future bride and groom take place. The bride and groom do not participate in these negotiations. The matchmaking process is divided into three stages:

  • inspection of the bride;
  • the telling of the fiancée;
  • negotiations between the parties.

The matchmaker (jauczy) plus one elderly relative act as representatives of the groom. If the first two stages of matchmaking have gone well, the bride's parents join them at the final stage. During the crucial pre-wedding talks, both parties deal with the material - and other - matters of the future new Tatar family. The bride and groom's place of residence, the parties' obligations to purchase household items, the fiancé's income, the size and composition of the "kalym" and other issues are discussed.

Kalym is a traditional ransom paid to the bride's parents. According to tradition, it should be paid in full by the wedding day or at the latest on that day. The kalym may include gold ornaments, sets of winter and summer clothing, linens, tableware, a certain amount of money. The bride's vows are not discussed during this period. If the parties have come to an agreement, the fiancées are notified of the positive outcome, and the date of the engagement is set. Then begins to discuss the wedding ceremony, which includes:

  • Nikah wedding ceremony - a Muslim wedding that takes place either in a mosque or in the home of the bride. It consists of prayers, Quran reading, and spiritual guidance. Ceremonial vows are taken either by the bride and groom themselves or their representatives.
  • Registration of the marriage at the Registry of Marriages, which gives the concluded marriage legal force.
  • Tatar Tuj wedding. A celebration that drags on for days, initially at the bride's home, and then the newlywed transports his wife to her parents' home. Here she is warmly welcomed and given expensive gifts. A special sign of a warm welcome - are soft pillows, which they put under her feet. Another interesting ritual associated with the wish that she become a good and rich hostess involves dipping the hands of the young bride in flour.

If the fiancées know each other well and the parents of both parties agree to the marriage, the marriage and betrothal can take place on the same day. Preparations for a Tatar wedding ceremony take an average of three to five weeks. The bridegroom collects and pays the kalym in installments, buys gifts for the bride, her parents and relatives. The bride, on the other hand, completes the preparation of the garland, which she began while still a youngster.

Parents and relatives of both parties take care of organizing the wedding ceremony.

Traditional wedding outfits of newlyweds

Tatar wedding outfits differ from the European ones we are used to. A bride's white wedding outfit should cover her body as much as possible, including her arms, neck and cleavage. A long dress, or tunic with pants, is compulsorily supplemented by a headdress, such as a headscarf, which fully covers the hair. The bride is only allowed to leave her hands and face uncovered; all other parts of the body must be shielded from the eyes of outsiders by loose clothing of opaque fabric.

As for the Tatar groom, the requirements for his attire are less than for that of the bride. He can appear at the wedding in a suit with a white shirt and tie. The only peculiarity - is the compulsory headgear: the crimson (tiubetiejka), or small round cap.

Although nowadays there is a kind of unification of wedding ceremonies of different nations, the Tatar wedding still retains its identity and originality.

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