Red coral and coral jewelry

Paulina | Rockstar
Red coral and coral jewelry

Jewelry made of red coral can attract gazes with its unusual brilliance. However, do you know what history red coral is associated with? What significance does it have for different eras? Why some zodiac signs should not wear jewelry with red coral? Let's try to unravel the mysteries of this unusual species of coral.

How is red coral formed?

Red coral is formed from the skeletons of coral polyps - animals no larger than one millimeter. Their calcium carbonate skeletons stack up to form corals. This ancient process is also accompanied by some ancient traditions. Did you realize that coral takes more than 100,000 years (!) to grow into something roughly the size of a reef? The popularity of this soft stone has grown due to the ease of shaping it into forms such as red coral jewelry.

In most ancient beliefs, coral was associated with the planet Mars, which in Hindi is called Mangal. In the past, it was believed that wearing ornaments made of red coral would increase appetite and sexual attraction, heal the wearer and reduce the risk of disease. It was also thought to increase physical strength. The benefits of coral convinced people to wear it as ethnic jewelry, especially in ancient cultures - when there was not yet sufficient medical knowledge.

Interestingly, some people attributed healing properties to red coral. Thanks to it, people were supposed to win from problems such as hemorrhoids, ulcers, fever, smallpox, typhoid fever, rickets, stomach pains, bruises and cuts. In addition to treating or preventing the above ailments, the coral gem was also said to warn its wearer of any impending health risks. Apparently, when the coral changed color, there was a simultaneous risk of... impending illness.

Red coral rings vs. Hinduism

Red coral jewelry was associated with many psychic and physical benefits in Hinduism. Particularly powerful were rings with this coral, which were far more effective than other pieces of jewelry in the Hindu tradition. A ring with coral had to be worn on the heart finger. The best results were obtained when the gemstone was cut into a triangle. Before the ring was placed on the finger, however, it had to be dipped or bathed in cow's milk to remove any negative qualities supposedly hidden deep within the stone. The ring was supposed to:

  • inspire one to be brave,
  • add energy,
  • increase determination and self-confidence,
  • protect against nightmares, the evil eye and curses.

Coral in different eras

In ancient Rome and Egypt, people were known to wear red coral necklaces. Parents would hang it around their children's necks to provide them with protection in this way. Pliny the Elder, a famous ancient Roman scholar, recommended that people wear this coral to fend off enemies.

The Victorian era is known for many historical moments - including the creation of the steam engine, the emergence of smog, high collars, euphemism and superstition. The latter phenomenon caused people to revive the ancient traditions of wearing red coral jewelry to ward off danger - stemming from superstition, of course.

Is red coral jewelry for everyone?

Do you want to buy and immediately wear red coral ornaments? Not so fast! There are people who are helped by coral, but also others who will not be served by coral at all. Red coral is mainly recommended for professions that require physical strength and endurance (such as athletes, soldiers, policemen, firefighters). Red coral jewelry is also recommended for people in professions that require being precise (e.g. surgeons, electricians, tailors). Of course, coral will also be good for anyone with leadership and navigational skills (e.g. politicians, artists, pilots).

There are also delineated zodiac signs that can wear the stone. These are designated by Mars, which binds to the stone and determines exactly who can wear it. So if you are a zodiacal Aries, Fish, Scorpio, Cancer, Lion or Sagittarius, a ring with coral will benefit you as much as possible. People born under these signs have an auspicious relationship with Mars, which, according to tradition, can be strengthened by wearing a red coral. For those born under other zodiac signs, wearing this stone can be... dangerous.

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