Fado, or Destiny - Portuguese music

Fado is the most important traditional musical style in Portugal. Literally, "fado" means "destiny" or "fate" and is characterized by the sad, melancholy mood of the melodies and lyrics.


The history of fado causes disputes among researchers. According to the most widespread version, fado emerged in Lisbon in the mid-19th century in the Alfama district. This oldest district of Lisbon was inhabited mainly by the descendants of mixed marriages between Portuguese and newcomers from Africa (mainly Angola and Mozambique) and Brazil after the period of Portuguese colonial expansion. The formation of fado was strongly influenced by the fofa dance (common in Portugal and Brazil), the Brazilian lundu, which originated in Africa, and the fandango. The second source of fado direction is Portuguese poetry and literature. Originally, the name fado referred to a Brazilian dance accompanied by a five-string guitar. Modern fado uses the influence of the aforementioned directions, and the Portuguese guitar has supplanted the five-string guitar.

Four periods can be distinguished in the development of fado:

  • 1830-1868 - "spontaneous": fado develops in the lower social strata, the first known fado singer Maria Cevera appears;
  • 1869-1890 - "aristocratic": the musical direction becomes popular in the upper classes;
  • 1890-1920 - diversification and spread;
  • from 1930 - fado transformed from folk music into a professional direction.

The development of fado in the 20th century took place during Salazar's fascist dictatorship, known as the New State (Estado Novo). Censorship approved song lyrics, and performers sought permission to perform.

After the fall of Salazar's regime, fado was in crisis, but the music's popularity was revived. Today, fado exists in two versions. The first is fado vadio, which is sung spontaneously in Portuguese cities, especially in the old neighborhoods of Lisbon. The second variety is professional fado, performed by professional singers according to a set program.

A rather distant relative of fado in Lisbon and Porto is fado de Coimbra. These are ballads sung in the old university town of Coimbra, usually treating of the city, student life and love.


Fado is performed by soloists, either male or female, accompanied by Portuguese or classical guitar (sometimes two guitars). The audience also takes an active part in the performance, expressing their emotions. The theme of each fado is usually love, sometimes unrequited, but there are also fados with other themes.

Live fado performances are held in fado houses (casa do fado), some restaurants, revue theaters, and cafes. A fado performer (or performer) is called a "fadista" in Portuguese.

On November 27, 2011, fado, as a style of popular songs, was inscribed on UNESCO's Intangible Heritage List.

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