Prehnite - a stone from the Cape of Good Hope

Stanisław Kozłowski | Rockstar
Prehnite - a stone from the Cape of Good Hope

The first brief mention of the discovery of prehnite appeared in 1784 in the Leipziger Magazin. Four years later, German chemist Heinrich Klaporth gave a detailed description of the mineral in an article titled "Chemical Decomposition of Prehnite." The godfather of the newly discovered mineral was mineralogist Abraham Werner. He named it after the finder, Dutch officer Hendrik van Prehn, who brought the stone to Europe in 1783.

Werner analyzed the hitherto unknown mineral, which he initially believed to be zeolite, as it had properties typical of zeolite. This was especially true of its ease of melting and foaming when exposed to a torch. Closer examination, however, showed it to be different from zeolite in hardness and chemical composition.

Properties of prehnite

Prehnite is classified as a mineral of the aluminosilicate group with the chemical formula Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2. It has a glassy luster, forms mostly tabular crystals, and occurs in the form of various clusters - compact, granular, spherical, clustered. The fracture of prehnite is uneven, while the flakiness is very good. The mineral is brittle, its hardness on the Mohs scale is 6-6.5, that is, it does not formally meet the criterion of a gemstone. The density of the mineral is 2.8-2.9 g/cm³.

Prehnite is quite resistant to acids, while it can be damaged by high temperatures. After short-term exposure to ultraviolet light, it shows a bluish-white or peachy fluorescence. After a longer period of time it becomes yellow.

Color of prehnite

Prehnite is mostly found in faded shades of green, but can also be yellowish, brownish, grayish or colorless. There are crystals of greenish-yellow and gold, which is due to the presence of iron admixtures. If the stone is not shielded from sunlight, it can further lose its color intensity. Sometimes you can find prehnite with inclusions resembling "cat's eye". Particularly valuable are Australian yellow crystals, as if lit from within. Green prehnite can be confused with peridot, jade, aragonite, chrysoprase or hemimorphite.

In its pure form, prehnite is colorless and transparent. Admixtures of foreign elements cause a variety of coloring, and refraction of light causes it to be white or milky in color.

Importance and uses of prehnite

Prehnite is a typical jewelry stone and is offered in a variety of cuts. In addition, it is marketed as a healing stone. However, this characteristic of prehnite, like other gemstones and jewelry stones, does not have scientific confirmation. For medicinal purposes, the mineral should be in contact with the skin for a long time, as its effect is slow.

It is considered a strong protective stone, stimulates consciousness, increases the sharpness of perception of oneself and surroundings. Thus, it promotes self-acceptance. Yellow prehnite has a strong effect, but green is much stronger, as it facilitates understanding.

On the body it has a relaxing effect and stimulates fat metabolism. It is sometimes used for kidney and bladder ailments. It cleanses the body and aids diet. It has a regulating effect and can prevent graying.

Green prehnite is especially helpful for depression, neuroses and blockages, which it helps remove. It calms the mind and naturally cleanses the soul. Provides an opportunity to engage with fresh energy. Promotes a self-critical approach to oneself, helps process and overlook images of negative experiences. Strengthens memory, and increased perception provides the opportunity for careful observation. Facilitates surrender to feelings. Aborigines call prehnite the stone of life, which comes from the heart of the Earth.

Prehnite is credited with certain physical actions:

  • cleansing and detoxifying the blood,
  • preventing deposits in blood vessels,
  • stimulating fat burning,
  • strengthening kidney, bladder and liver function.

Spiritual effects include:

  • relieving stress and neurosis,
  • assisting with fatigue and lack of energy,
  • releasing mental blocks,
  • enhancing memory and learning abilities.

Prehnite and zodiac signs

The effect of prehnite on a particular zodiac sign depends on the type of element it belongs to:

  • Aquarius, Twins, Libra - people born under Air signs will be able to become more balanced, practical and their life goals will become more realistic with the help of the stone.
  • Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus - for people under the signs of Earth, prehnite will become a protection against gossip and evil intentions of other people.
  • Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - people from under the signs of Fire will gain sensitivity and insight thanks to the mineral. They will anticipate events and analyze the actions of unkind people.
  • Fish, Scorpio, Cancer - for the first two signs belonging to the element of Water, prehnite will help get rid of depression, restore emotional balance and regain a positive mood. Only Cancer, under the influence of prehnite, can only deepen the innate mysteriousness and lack of emotion.

Care of prehnite products

The gemstone should be rinsed under running water once a month or more often. To discharge the charge, it should be placed in dry table salt or in pieces of hematite. Avoid direct sunlight. When cleaning with salt, the stone and metal parts of the jewelry can be damaged.

Prehnite jewelry

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