Pyrite - a sparkly stone for lighting fires

Stanisław Kozłowski | Rockstar
Pyrite - a sparkly stone for lighting fires

The name of gold-glowing pyrite comes from the Greek words pyr = "fire" and pyrites = "sparkling," because the mineral when struck with a flint shows sparking properties. As far back as the Stone Age, pyrite was used along with a hub to make fire. Due to its external resemblance, it was often mistaken by inexperienced prospectors for gold, thus earning it the colloquial name "fool's gold."

Pyrite and marcasite were originally thought to be a single mineral, and it was not until mineralogical studies showed that they were two different, though similar stones. The difference lies mainly in their crystal form with similar chemical composition. Pyrite forms cubic crystals, while marcasite

Properties of pyrite

Pyrite with its chemical composition with the formula FeS2 is an iron persulfide and a representative of the minerals of the sulfide cluster. It crystallizes in a regular pattern, sometimes forming characteristic twins, or twin crystals, called "iron crosses." These are rare twin forms resembling the military decoration of that name. It forms compact, granular, spherical and clustered clusters. The crystals often show the form of perfectly formed cubes, octahedrons and pentagonal dodecahedrons.

The fracture of pyrite is shell-like, flakiness is absent. The mineral has a metallic luster and lacks transparency.

It shows a grade of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs ten-grade hardness scale and is classified as a hard mineral. The density of pyrite is 5 bis 5.2 g/cm². A scratch, which is the mark left by scratching a porcelain tile with pyrite, is black in color.

Pyrite melts easily under the influence of a flame, which turns blue and releases a sulfur smell. At the same time, the structure of the crystal changes, and the mineral in the form of cubes melts into a ball, which becomes magnetic. In contact with water or high humidity, pyrite decomposes, releasing sulfuric acid. Pyrite does not show fluorescence or pleochroism.

Pyrite is widely distributed and is found in Italy, Spain, Russia, Norway, the US and Mexico, among other places.

Pyrite color

Pyrite is characterized by its metallic yellow, silver-gray, brassy yellow to golden yellow color. For this reason, it is sometimes confused with gold, marcasite and chalcopyrite.

Older specimens of pyrite, exposed to external conditions, undergo surface weathering and the formation of a rusty tarnish, consisting mainly of limonite. Rainbow iridescent tarnish colors on the surface of the crystals are also possible, which can also be attributed to weathering of the mineral.

Importance and uses of pyrite

In ancient times, pyrite was used as a material for lighting fires. When the first firearms appeared, the sparking ability of pyrite was used in its castle. Nowadays, due to its high iron content, pyrite is used to extract this metal. In addition, it is a raw material for making sulfuric acid and mineral fertilizers. Pigment prepared from this mineral is sometimes an ingredient in red and brown paint. Ornaments and jewelry have also been made from pyrite since ancient times.

Although there are no clinical studies to date that confirm the properties attributed to pyrite, it is among the most important healing stones in general. Pyrite helps make self-discovery, facilitates thinking about oneself, recognizing one's own weaknesses and flaws, as well as repressed memories. In this way, it reveals the possible causes of blockages and fears, helps resolve them, and can even alleviate a depressive state. Stress, nervousness or inner restlessness can also be resolved with the help of pyrite. This healing stone gives you new confidence and gives you the courage to steer your life in a new direction.

Pyrite promotes reflection and strengthens a person's nervous system. It supports comprehensively on both physical and mental levels, providing better personality development.

Pyrite should not be worn for a long time. To take advantage of its impact, it is enough to place the stone nearby. As a decorative stone, pyrite is less suitable for continuous wear. In the sun, it is a good conductor of heat, which can be easily detected by touch. Besides, iron compounds can cause skin irritation. Never bring pyrite into contact with water, as pyrite water is poisonous.

Effects of pyrite on the human body

The mineral strengthens nerves and has a positive effect on physical well-being. It relieves some pains, so it is sometimes used for sciatic pain and arthritis. On the other hand, it can have a positive effect on the digestive system. Sometimes it is sometimes used to support treatment or rehabilitation. It brings calmness during this phase of treatment and encourages the mind to turn to new tasks. After a period of undergoing illness, with increased tension and inner restlessness, it is a very suitable aid.

Effect of pyrite on the spiritual realm

Pyrite concentrates spiritual forces and improves a person's self-esteem. The stone's energy creates a harmonious balance between the body and the spiritual realm. The healing stone can effectively support important decisions in life. It enhances one's ability to take action and encourages taking fate into one's own hands.

Pyrite and zodiac signs

Pyrite can be equally well used by all zodiac signs. Above all, it develops its full power in the early stages of the astrological year. Pyrite strengthens new beginnings.

Jewelry with the mineral pyrite

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