Olivine - radiant green color and optimistic charm

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Olivine - radiant green color and optimistic charm
pierścionek z oliwinem

The name "olivine" is due to the German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817), who first used it in 1790. As you might guess, he was prompted to do so by the mineral's distinctive olive green color. Mineralogists of the time wondered whether olivine was not green garnet. However, chemical analysis of its composition and physical properties convinced Werner that it was an independent mineral.

The green stone was mined by ancient Egyptians on the Red Sea island of Jazirat Zabarjad, also known as St. John's Island, more than 3,500 years ago. The Egyptians called it the "jewel of the sun." Under the name "chrysolith" it is even mentioned in the Bible. The Roman scholar Pliny mentions a green gemstone called "topazion," whereby he meant olivine rather than topaz.

In the past, olivine was also referred to as the "Crusader emerald," as it was often confused with emeralds. This includes Cleopatra's famous emerald collection - in fact, the queen may have had a collection of olivines. In ancient times, the identification of various minerals was not very advanced and mistakes often happened.

Properties of olivine

Olivines are a group of minerals classified as silicates. The chemical composition of olivines varies and can generally be presented as: [(Mg,Fe,Mn,Ni,Ca)SiO4]. That is, they are mainly silicates of magnesium, iron, manganese and, less frequently, nickel with admixtures of chromium, titanium, calcium and aluminum. Depending on the original conditions millions of years ago, iron and manganese may have been replaced by other elements, which gave the mineral new colors and physical properties.

The mineral is characterized by its resistance to hydrochloric acid, while it decomposes in concentrated sulfuric acid. At the same time, its chemical resistance is generally low - under the influence of hot seawater (near volcanoes) it is transformed.

Olivine crystallizes in a rhombic arrangement, forming columnar and tabular crystals. It has a glassy and oily luster. It exhibits a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale and high brittleness. With increasing iron content, the density of olivine increases and can range from 3.27 to 4.20 g/cm3. Concentrations of the green mineral can be granular, or massive, and sometimes it occurs as single grains. Sometimes olivines give optical effects of the so-called cat's eye or asterism (star-shaped streaks).

Color of olivine

The color of olivine sometimes varies - green, olive green, greenish yellow, yellowish brown to brown, and even white. The dopant element in green olivine is nickel, while brownish olivine shows traces of iron. Besides, the color can be an indicator of the age or degree of aging and weathering of the mineral. As a result of weathering, originally green olivines turn ochre yellow to yellowish brown.

In the past (18th/19th century), the distinction of olivine by color was used for "common olivine" - Silex olivinus vulgaris and "deciduous olivine" - Silex olivinus lamellosus. The first variety is characterized by its typical olive-green color, and all other colors and shades of green make up the second variety.

As a result of the variety of colors, minerals of the olivine group are sometimes confused with other stones, such as tsavorite, dioptaz, diopside, demantoid, epidote, chrysoberyl or green diamond.

Importance and uses of olivine

Olivine is among the favorite gemstones for making earrings, necklaces, pendants and rings. Both smooth cabochon cut and facet cut are used. The choice of cut and the form of the product depends primarily on the purity of the stone. Cloudy, translucent olivine usually receives a smooth cut, while pure stones look more striking with a rich facet cut.

In addition to its striking appearance in the form of jewelry products, olivine also exhibits healing properties on the body and soul. The stone is able to transform negative feelings like selfishness, jealousy or callousness into their positive opposites. This not only improves relationships with other people, but also avoids anger, irritability, pain and remorse. The mineral provides an opportunity to admit mistakes and helps to correct them.

Olivine is an ideal companion for people who have problems with themselves. It leads to inner balance and a hopeful attitude to life. Even depression and melancholy can be alleviated with the help of olivine. The healing stone assists shy people. It specifically makes people want to expand their circle of friends and explore the world. It gives a green light to a new start after moving to a new place.

Olivine also has a positive effect on a person's physical health. The mineral restores energy to the skin, helps on dry skin can remove warts. It brings relief from skin eczema, acne and allergies. In the body, it strengthens connective tissue and promotes detoxification and good metabolism. In adolescence, olivine has an effect on smoothing the skin and clearing pores. Also in some cases of allergies, the green stone can affect the body, relieving symptoms.

Hildegard of Bingen and olivine

Today's olivine was known in the time of the famous mystic and healer Hildegard of Bingen under the name of topaz. She describes this healing stone as follows:

Topaz (olivine) grows at the ninth hour after sunrise in the heat of the sun. Therefore, it is fiery hot and contains little air and water. If any food or any drink contains poison, and olivine is nearby, the person immediately begins to sweat.

Those who have bad eyesight should put the olivine in pure wine for three days and three nights and rub it into the eyes before going to bed, so that the wine will moisten the eyeballs. Repeat this often until the eyes brighten again. After five days, the wine should be prepared again.

When a person has a fever, he should hollow out three small furrows in a piece of bread with an olivine and pour wine into them. When the wine has soaked in, he should continue to refill it. Finally, he can see the reflection of his face in the wine and say, "I see my face as in a mirror, in which the cherubim and seraphim are looking into the face of God, asking him to take this fever away from me." He should repeat this until he is cured.

Olivine and the signs of the zodiac

The main beneficiaries of olivine are those under the signs of Pisces, Virgo and Leo:

  • Insecure Fishes get determination and speed in making the right decisions and alleviating possible conflict situations thanks to the mineral.
  • Unscrupulous Virgos will start to get olivine to bring patience, reduce their boredom, develop memory and understanding, make women more attractive.
  • Royal Lions will receive from olivine calmness in conflict situations, steadfastness and intuition. As a result, they will achieve their goal: the approval of others.

The benefits of the green stone can also benefit:

  • Libra - good relations in family relations;
  • Taurus - compromise in conflict situations;
  • Twins - peace and improvement of mood in difficult situations;
  • Aries - caution and prudence in action.

The largest olivine in the world

The largest olivine was found on the island of Zabarjad (St. John's Island) in the Red Sea, a site known since ancient times. It weighs about 62 grams (310 carats) and is today part of the collection at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington.

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