Labradorite - colored field sprite

Stanisław Kozłowski | Rockstar
Labradorite - colored field sprite

The origins of the name "labradorite" must be traced to German geologist Nathanael Gottfried Leske (1751-1786). Leske was one of the first geologists who dealt extensively with this mineral in his "Treatise on Some Changing, to Field Spate Belonging Stones from Labrador." In addition to mineralogical facts, Leske also cited the history of the origin of the name. According to him, in 1774 a sailor named Roger Kurtis found a "beautiful blue, shimmering red stone" on the island of St. Paul off the coast of Labrador.

Around the time of the mineral's discovery on Canada's Labrador Peninsula, German mineralogist Franz von Kobel reported that in 1780 a "color-shimmering labradorite" was found in northwestern Russia near St. Petersburg.

Properties of labradorite

Labradorite is not an independent mineral, but a mixture of the minerals albite and anorthite. It belongs to the so-called plagioclases, minerals of mixed composition, which have a complex structure and different proportions of the said albite and anorthite. Used in jewelry, the stone is commonly called labradorite (perhaps because many minerals have this ending in their names: e.g. hematite, azurite, belomorite), although the proper name of the mineral is labrador. According to the definition, labradorite is a rock with labrador dominance. To clarify: when we speak of labradorite here, we mean not a stone for cladding slabs in construction, but a valuable ornamental stone.

Because it contains 30-50% sodium aluminosilicate and 50-70% calcium aluminosilicate, labradorite belongs to the silicate cluster. On the ten-point Mohs scale, it shows a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Since gemstones are assumed to have a hardness above 7, labradorite is not formally considered a gemstone. Until recently, minerals with a hardness of less than 7 were referred to as semi-precious; today, the term ornamental stones is used instead. The density of this mineral is 2.69 to 2.7 g/cm3.

Labradorite color

Labradorite is sometimes colorless, white to dark gray or green. A peculiarity of this mineral is the phenomenon of a shimmering rainbow play of colors, caused by a special reflection of light. This intense play of colors in metallic shades on the surface of some minerals is referred to as labradorization. The shimmering of blues, greens, oranges, reds and yellows with a metallic sheen can be seen from different viewing angles. The aforementioned geologist Leske described the stone this way: "it changed its color to sky blue, light blue, crimson red and luscious green - with each change in the stone's position, different colors showed up."

The causes of labradorite are explained by the structure of the mineral. In labradorite crystals, plates are visible under the microscope, on which the interference of incident light occurs, producing colorful effects on the surface of the stone. This phenomenon is particularly intense in a variety of labradorite called spectrolite. The mineral spectrolite was first discovered in 1940 in southeastern Finland by Finnish geologist Aarne Laitkari. The name refers to the play of colors on the mineral's surface when light is broken down into spectral colors.

Labradorization takes place differently in the case of the white mineral. The basic color of white labradorite is white, which, however, shines with blue, which can be compared to the appearance of a moonstone. This causes some confusion, as this variety of labradorite is sometimes offered on the market as a rainbow moonstone.

The meaning and use of labradorite

Labradorite is processed especially for ornaments - rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets. Stones that show intense labradorite in blues, purples and greens are ranked among the highest quality and fetch the highest prices. To emphasize the effect of the play of colors, labradorite is usually given a cabochon (smooth) cut. Since labradorites are relatively sensitive and can be easily scratched or caused to crack, the stones are coated with wax or resin in jewelry products.

Labradorite is among the most important healing stones. It aids creativity, stimulates imagination and enhances memory. Due to its soothing power, the Labrador stone has a calming effect on turbulent tempers. Minerals are able to positively influence our feelings, conduct and health. Through the resonance of their energy with our body, the inner forces of self-healing are activated. The sight of the magnificent color spectrum of labradorite is particularly impressive and delights everyone. The action of the mineral is constructive and mobilizing.

Wearing labradorite with you for a long time awakens deeply hidden memories and brings to light suppressed feelings. The labradorite stone reveals the truth and eliminates unnecessary illusions. On the physical level, it helps with rheumatism and regulates blood pressure.

Labradorite is primarily important in resolving spiritual problems and inhibitions. The stone conveys perseverance, self-confidence and strength; reduces blockages, fears and stress, and enhances the senses. With its shimmering surfaces of various colors, it conveys a sense of happiness and enhances aura energies. Labradorite aids in working through traumatic experiences, which can date back to early childhood. The shimmering stone promotes the expression of one's thoughts and eases mood swings.

Healing effects of labradorite on the body

The rainbow stone also works on the physical level. Thanks to its soothing properties, it helps with joint and bone ailments, such as arthritis and rheumatism. Also disorders of the body caused by environmental influences can be restored to balance with the help of labradorite. The stone has a neutralizing effect especially on ailments caused by the weather. It also has an effect on problems of the digestive system and with blood pressure. The effects of labradorite on the body are manifested by, among other things:

  • strengthening the immune and cardiovascular systems,
  • acid-base stabilization,
  • positive effects on the thymus gland and eyesight,
  • prevention of bone pain and scoliosis,
  • supporting metabolic processes,
  • alleviating the negative effects of weather on mood,
  • relieving heartburn and nausea.

Labradorite and zodiac signs

Labradorite is an important birthstone for Aquarius. It enhances his creativity and intuition and helps him achieve his goals.

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