Hill Tribe - what do the Hmong and the Yao tribe do?

Hill Tribe - what do the Hmong and the Yao tribe do?

Thailand is famous for its handmade silver jewelry. The ethnic ornaments are mainly made by six different clans living in the so-called Hill Tribe - the famous Golden Triangle region of Thailand, Laos and Burma. Silver production has been a way of life for the tribal people for several hundred years. In addition to the well-known "long-necked women" (Karen), the Hmong and the Yao tribe are also prominent among them.

The Golden Triangle tribes and their jewelry

Hill Tribe is the term used for the various tribes that have migrated from China and Tibet over the past few centuries - through the dense forests and mountainous terrain of northern Thailand. The term is also known as the "Golden Triangle," where 3 countries intersect: Thailand, Laos and Burma. The six tribes best known in Thailand are:

  • Karen (the famous "long-necked" women),
  • Hmong (Meo),
  • Mien (Yeo),
  • Akha (Kaw),
  • Lahu (Mussur),
  • Lisu (Lisaw).

All six Hill Tribe have one thing in common - they still create Thai silver, and their silver jewelry is proudly worn by people from the six tribes, but also merchants! Most Hill Tribe people wear silver beads or other types of silver - such as clothing ornaments, silver earrings or rings. The high content of silver in jewelry makes it softer and doesn't tarnish as easily as, for example, copper in molten silver. Oriental jewelry of the six tribes is therefore unique and pleasing to the eye!

The master jewelry makers of the Hill Tribe are respected for their work to this day. They make detailed jewelry pieces by hand, such as tiny beads of precious silver. Silver ingots are flattened by them onto a sheet - by pounding with hammers and reworking on wires, by pulling silver through ancient drawing dies. Thin silver sheets are hammered into black tar molds to make shapes, then soldered and engraved. No two pieces are exactly alike that an artisan from these regions could create! Each piece of Thai silver has its own unique characteristics and contains its own story.

Thus, Thai ethnic jewelry are items of classic beauty and symbolic meaning. So it's not surprising that in the past Hill Tribe people used silver instead of paper money. For the rest, traditionalists to this day prefer silver coins, jewelry, pipes and boxes - because they believe these items always retain their value. In addition to monetary value, wearing silver jewelry also signifies wealth, status and spirituality.

The Hmong - what is this ethnic group?

The Hmong are the second largest tribal group (right after the Karen). They produce their own style of Thai jewelry, and local goldsmiths are respected worldwide for their oriental wares. The Hmong people originally lived in the icy regions of Tibet and Mongolia. Later, the Hmong migrated to Western China due to war and unrest, and moved to Thailand. The Hmong have settled in Chiang Mai province. They are quite independent and often move long distances - in search of new and better land for growing dry rice, corn and vegetables. The Hmong still worship their ancestors and many other spirits, and the village shaman is very important to the tribe's people.

Interestingly, the tribe is divided into 2 main tribes: "Blue Hmong" and "White Hmong." So to the west of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai we have the Blue Hmong tribe, and to the east of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai one can meet the White Hmong tribes. The Blue Hmong are the most numerous in Thailand. Women of this tribe are best known for their intricate... embroidery! This is because the tribe's women wear embroidered, heavily pleated skirts with intricately embroidered bands in red, blue and white. Their clothes are also decorated with ornate jewelry. Men, on the other hand, wear loose, black pants with varying levels of bright embroidery - mostly along the cuffs and seams.

The Hmong have sustained themselves for a long time by practicing ... opium poppy. Interestingly, opium addiction is still quite high here, especially among the men of the Hmong tribe. The Hmong still make silver jewelry, crossbows, musical instruments and objects made of wood and bamboo.

Yao - the aristocrats of the Hill Tribe

The Yao are native to southern China and are considered the aristocrats of the hill tribes. The tribe has been producing silver for hundreds of years, and their historical leaders wore silver jewelry as an expression of power and superiority over other tribes. Today, villages of the Yao people cluster around the provinces of Phayao, Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. Why are they said to be "aristocrats"? Well, because they are the only Hill Tribe to cultivate a written language as well!

Yao villages are mainly located on low hills, and their houses are usually built of wooden planks. The Yao have a written religion, based on medieval Chinese Taoism - although in recent years they have also included many converts to Christianity and Buddhism. Women of the Yao tribe wear a lot of silver - large earrings, silver ornaments on their clothes and thick silver rings and ethnic bracelets.

The Yao are considered the most ambitious people of the Tribe Hill tribes - they have adapted to the current lifestyle in Thailand and many are very successful professionally. They are peaceful and friendly people who pride themselves on honor. So if you are traveling in Thailand to learn about the tribes there, the Yao will definitely tell you the most about themselves!

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