Chalcedony - a mineral from an ancient city on the Bosporus

Stanisław Kozłowski | Rockstar
Chalcedony - a mineral from an ancient city on the Bosporus

The earliest mention of a mineral named chalcedony is found in the writings of Pliny the Elder under the title "Naturalis historia." The name chalcedony comes from the first confirmed find of the stone in Kalchedon (Khalkedon), an ancient city on the Bosporus. It is also sometimes called quartzite, saphirite, jasponyx or blue moonstone.

Chalcedony is a fairly common mineral, including in the Czech Republic, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Namibia, the USA and Madagascar.

Properties of chalcedony

Chalcedony is a variety of silica (SiO2) with a fibrous structure. As German mineralogist Friedrich Hausmann wrote in 1847, chalcedony is "crystallized silicic acid." The mineral is a representative of the quartz group, which includes citrine, agate, rock crystal and rose quartz.

Chalcedony crystallizes in a trigonal system, the crystals are trapezohedral. The mineral occurs mostly in the form of infiltration (stalactites), clustered or crusted, forming veins and concretions.

It does not show flakiness, the fracture is uneven, shell-like. On the Mohs hardness scale it shows 6.5 to 7.0. The density of chalcedony is 2.6 g/cm³. It shows a glassy to waxy sheen with varying transparency.

Color of chalcedony

The color of chalcedony is sometimes white, colorless, blue to bluish gray. Due to internal impurities, the mineral can also be yellow, green, brown or red. In 1802, chalcedony was described as "mostly milky white, partly entering the sky blue, but also honey yellow, carnelian red or smoky onyx brown."

In doing so, the color of chalcedony is only exceptionally homogeneous relatively evenly distributed. Much more often chalcedony presents a striated appearance or wave-like features.

The meaning and use of chalcedony

Chalcedony, a variety of quartz, has been known since time immemorial, and as early as the Stone Age it was used by the hunters of the time to make weapons. In ancient times it was used to make jewelry, ornamental objects and works of art. It also found completely different uses. It is said that Demosthenes, one of the most prominent Greek speakers, practiced loud and clear pronunciation by putting chalcedony pebbles in his mouth. In Tibet, chalcedony was seen as the purity of the lotus flower, and was also said to protect against weakness and discontent, and to direct thoughts toward the most important matters.

The energy of chalcedony can be used in a variety of ways. As a rule, chalcedony is worn around the neck, for example, it can be in the form of a ball on a chain. Also, a string of beads made of small stones shows a good energetic effect. Some people enhance the power of daily meditation by placing a healing chalcedony stone in front of them.

Chalcedony spreads its energy best in the neck area. It has a positive effect on the thyroid and lymph glands, as well as on the human hormonal balance. It provides balanced hormone levels and can be used for severe mood swings. With the help of chalcedony, it is also possible to improve the strength and quality of the voice - something the aforementioned Greek rhetor reportedly used successfully.

Chalcedony is most important primarily in the arts and crafts and in the jewelry industry. It is used to make sculptures, ornaments, buttons, vases, medallions and other useful and decorative objects.

The color of chalcedony, especially its wavy and striated patterns, is best presented with a smooth, cabochon cut. Jewelry such as pendants, earrings, rings or bracelets should be protected from the sun. UV radiation causes the color of the mineral to fade or turn gray.

Effects of chalcedony on the body

Through its effect on the thyroid gland, chalcedony can induce in lethargic and apathetic people the need to move and enjoy life. People who make intensive use of their voice in their daily work often supply themselves with a chalcedony necklace. The stone has a positive effect on the vocal cords and even helps with swallowing difficulties. Anyone who professionally benefits from speaking loudly can use this healing stone. Chalcedony is thus worn by singing teachers and actors. The energetic properties of chalcedony can serve during speech therapy. Chalcedony is also a good companion for people who are learning to sing, it will help them develop the potential of their own voice.

Action of chalcedony on the spiritual sphere of man

Chalcedony contributes not only to a balanced hormonal economy of the body, but also to a stable spiritual mood. The healing stone balances the fluctuations between the soul, personal aura and a person's energy field. It is useful in crisis situations. With the help of the energy of this special mineral, many people find their inner balance anew. Chalcedony increases self-confidence, a necklace with this stone helps overcome stuttering and other speech disorders. Even shy people are then able to speak in front of a crowd, speak loudly and clearly. The stone opens people to better communication and helps mutual understanding.

Hildegard of Bingen and chalcedony

The famous Frankish healer and mystic who lived in the 12th century wrote about chalcedony this way:

"Chalcedony grows in the evening, shortly before sunset. Hence it has exceptional strengths because it absorbs its heat from the air and less from the sun. Chalcedony should, if possible, be worn so that it lies directly on the body and on the veins. Because this is how it can best transmit its powers to the blood and prevent blood diseases. Chalcedony also protects against and prevents outbursts of anger. To gain the gift of free speech, chalcedony should be chuckled at until it is covered with dew, which should then be collected with the tongue."

Chalcedony and zodiac signs

Chalcedony is an important gemstone for those under the sign of Sagittarius. The healing stone gives inner peace. Chalcedony is also an important secondary stone for signs such as Aquarius, Twins and Scorpio. For Aquarius, it restores balance, calms the mind and helps with states of tension. Twins gain greater balance and a higher level of spirituality. For Scorpio, chalcedony helps during difficult moments in life.

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