Zirconia vs zirconia - differences

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Zirconia vs zirconia - differences

The name of this gemstone comes from the Arabic word zarqun = "cinnabar" or Persian zargun = "golden," and is a direct reference to zircon's many colors. In 1789, German chemist Martin Klapporth studied the chemical composition of zirconium and discovered a new element, which he named zirconium (Zr) in honor of the mineral.

The name zirconium has only been used since modern times. In ancient times, this mineral was referred to as "hyacinth," a term that has remained to this day in relation to the yellow-red to brown color varieties. According to Greek mythology, it bears the name of Hyakinthos, the lover of Apollo, who was mortally wounded out of jealousy by Zephyr, disregarded by Hyacinthus. From the blood of the beautiful young man grew a flower.

For centuries, white zircon was a highly sought-after precious gemstone, which was also attributed strong healing properties. In terms of value and hardness, it was comparable to a diamond. In the case of particularly large and pure specimens, it was even used interchangeably with diamonds and was a kind of substitute for them.

Zircon was formed 4.4 billion years ago and is the oldest known mineral on Earth and the Moon. As zirconium silicate (ZrSiO4), it is one of the common components of the Earth's crust. Due to its resistance to high temperatures, it is used in industry. It is weakly radioactive.

Properties of zirconium

Zircon is a representative of the silicate group of minerals and forms prismatic, short columns, which are characterized by a square cross-section and pyramidal end. Some varieties of zirconium are amorphous, that is, they have no crystal structure or their crystal lattice is deformed or destroyed. The reason: as a result of radioactive decay of atoms, the lattice structure of zirconium is destroyed.

Based on the structure and the resulting physical properties, a distinction is made between high zirconium, medium zirconium, and low zirconium. High zirconium has a stable character, while low zirconium, defined as a metamictic mineral (containing radioactive elements) shows defects in the crystal lattice due to radioactive decay.

Optically, it is difficult to distinguish high zircon from low zircon, but there are, however, some clues. "Normal" zircon has a glassy to diamond-like luster, with a partially oily sheen on fresh scrap surfaces. The luster of low zircon, on the other hand, is completely oily, just as the purity and clarity are weakened by radioactive elements. The breakthrough of zirconium is brittlely rough, the possibility of splitting is low.

With a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, zircon qualifies as a gemstone. The density of the mineral is 3.9 to 4.8 g/cm3.

Color of zirconium

In addition to the red-gold color implied by its name, zircon takes on colors ranging from purple, blue, red and orange through yellow to green and brown; it is also sometimes colorless. The different colors of zirconium are partly associated with their own names:

  • blue zircon - starlit,
  • red and orange - hyacinth,
  • yellow - jargon.

The variety of zirconium's coloration is due to both reasons related to errors in the structure of the crystal lattice, as well as foreign admixtures. Atoms that color zirconium primarily include thorium, phosphorus, niobium, aluminum, iron, calcium, hafnium, cerium, yttrium and tantalum. Zircon in its pure form is white, and the green color is due to the radioactive influence of uranium.

Zirconium and zirconia

Despite the similarity of the name, zircon is neither another form of writing nor a synonym for zircon. Zirconia is a laboratory-made crystal that was originally produced as an imitation of diamonds, and is now offered in all possible colors as an imitation of various gemstones. The differences between zircon and zirconia lie not only in the way they are formed, but also in their physical and chemical properties.

  zircon zirconia
formation of natural origin artificial origin
composition ZrSiO4 ZrO2
color purple, blue, red, orange, yellow, green, brown, colorless all colors
luster diamond, glass to greasy greasy to glassy
hardness 6.5 to 7.5 8 to 8.5
density 3.9 to 4.8 g/cm3 5.6 to 6.0 g/cm3
price depends on color, purity, cut and weight from several dozen zlotys

Importance and use of zirconium

Zircon is among the most popular gemstones on the jewelry market. This mineral can compete with diamond in terms of brilliance, and polished zircon presents fire and color play, being a cost-effective alternative to diamonds.

In any case, one should be wary of zircons offered for sale as diamonds. First of all, colorless zircon is sometimes sold under the misleading name of Ceylon diamond or matara diamond. When polished, they resemble diamonds, but are not any local variety of these stones, but merely an attempt to raise the price of less valuable minerals by giving them a catchy name.

Zircon, and especially hyacinth, helps to cope with separation, loss or loss of material possessions. It helps to cope with reality, clarifies everything that is fleeting, teaches to distinguish between important and unimportant things. In addition, it frees this precious healing stone from prejudice and enslavement by conventions. It helps to free oneself from melancholy, lack of self-esteem and increase self-confidence. Zircon can stimulate new ideas, make them a reality and realize dreams.

Hildegard of Bingen and zirconium

Zircon was already mentioned in her works by the famous medieval healer Hildegard of Bingen. According to her

Zircon (then called hyacinth) is formed early in the morning in the fire, when the air is still moderately warm. It has a nature more ephemeral than fiery and feels the air. However, it is hot because it was born from fire. Those who have poor eyesight or cloudy or inflamed eyes should point the zircon toward the sun to get it hot. Then moisten it with saliva and apply it to the eyes so that they also absorb the heat. The procedure should be repeated until the eyes are repaired.

Those who have a fever should put the wine in the dish in the sun to warm up. Then the zirconium should be dipped in this wine. The wine should be drunk for three-four days in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. This treatment should help. A heart patient should use zirconium to outline a cross on his chest - this should bring relief.

Zircon and zodiac signs

Zircon is an important stone for people under the sign of the bull. This gemstone helps them get through breakups and losses, and come back to reality. Blue zircon, on the other hand, helps Sagittarius and supports their mental health.

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