Overweight and aversion to sports

Krzysztof Kuznowicz

The Ministry of Sports and Tourism has published alarming data. Over the past 10 years, the number of overweight children has doubled. The problem with obesity is as high as, 17% of children aged 11-15. This is the result of a poor diet and a growing aversion to sports. But being overweight is not the only problem that results from children's low physical activity.

Children in elementary schools are already running away from physical education classes. They prefer to spend their free time after school in front of the computer rather than outdoors. The youngest children, who spend 75% of their time sitting down, have up to 10 times worse physical fitness and coordination skills than their active peers. Self-esteem and learning efficiency also decline.

Childhood isthe mostimportant
The first years of life are the most crucial time for the development of motor and coordination skills, which will have a significant impact on future health. If we do not accustom children to physical activity during this period, very soon they will begin to associate greater exertion with fatigue, pain and discomfort. So it is worthwhile, from an early age, to get children used to movement. Then physical activity will become a habit, continued also in adult life.

Activities with dance and music
The need to move and play is natural in children. Most toddlers, hearing music, start joyfully jumping up and dancing. It is these spontaneous reactions that are worth developing. Dancing and music increase endorphins, the hormones that cause joy. The very contact with music is great fun for the child, dancing further enhances this state, and at the same time has a positive effect on the child's physical development. Thanks to movement, a correct figure is formed, and any postural defects are corrected. While dancing, children learn to consciously control their own bodies, which over time gain flexibility and elasticity. Movement becomes light and fluid, and muscles become strengthened.

Not only the body, but also the character
"Dancing requires body awareness, spatial orientation and creative thinking, so it is particularly developmental in children. It is during the first years of life that motor skills, memory and spatial imagination develop. That's why children as young as 2 years old are invited to the first classes. But physical benefits are not the only positives of dance. This is because it teaches patience and perseverance to hardship and fatigue. Trainings make you realize that effort and regularity are the ingredients necessary for success." - explains Ewelina Sobczyk, manager of the Art Dance Complex dance studio.

Dance lessons also play a huge role in the educational process. Children get to know their peers, learn to interact and work in a group. In addition, they become more spontaneous, and the shy ones open up to the world. They get rid of complexes and drugs. Very often, along with their new friends, they gain a new passion.
Dancing is supposed to be, first of all, a pleasant way of spending leisure time. In addition, it is an extraordinary medicine that will keep our children from being overweight and get them away from computer and TV screens. Let's not forget that it is also a kind of art that sensitizes to beauty, shapes emotionality and at the same time is accessible even to the youngest.

Art Dance Complex is a place created for dancers. The studio was established in 2011, on the initiative of Michal Paczuski, an outstanding dancer and choreographer. It educates mainly in such techniques as jazz and modern. However, there is no shortage of modern, hip hop, new age, street dance and house dance classes, conducted at an equally high level. The school gives the opportunity to participate in group classes, as well as work in teams. The latter have numerous successes to their credit, taking top spots at national and international competitions. The studio offers dance lessons for children as young as 2 years old. While the youngest are learning, classes are held for parents. Seniors can also take care of their health, for whom the studio has prepared such classes as Pilates or healthy spine. The staff of instructors consists of excellent dancers and choreographers. Among them are graduates of ballet schools, higher academies with majors in dance and choreography, as well as participants and finalists of entertainment programs such as You Can Dance Simply Dance and Got To Dance Only.

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